Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Growin' like a Weed : Drew - 12 months

Height: 30ish" 
Weight: Right around 22lbs

Likes: Balls, walking, TALKING (copying all the words and pointing to everything), playing with his sisters, being held (he has an altitude problem), Mommy, Daddy, food, MUSIC/singing, BEING OUTSIDE, DUCKS, making a mess of my house and putting unsafe things in his mouth!

Dislikes: =hahah I can't write "riding in the car" because this guy hasn't been in his carseat for 4ish weeks due to the Coronavirus!!! He doesn't like baths. AT ALL. STILL. Not being held, dogs up close/licking him, being cleaned up after he eats, getting an unsafe item taken away from him that he's put in his mouth, getting his diaper changed (he poops, A LOT).

Sleeping: Same. Wakes around 8, one GOOD midday nap (PRAISE THE LORD), bedtime around 9, wakes to nurse/snuggle in bed with me around 12-1, wakes 2 ish more times. I meannnn I could sleep train, but we're good.

Eating: Nursing. On demand. All day long AND eating more foods! Pretty much anything I eat, he eats. I  have given him more dairy and variety of soft foods. He's mainly shirt off in his high chair, feeding him self soft foods.  He makes a mess, BUT I don't have to hold him and feed him! He really likes olives. Yep, black olives. He's not a fan of eggs, or cake, or powdered donuts! haha crazy guy! He's also had fish, corned beef, and ground turkey, but just a taste of each.

Playing: It seems like he always has a ball near by and a song in his heart! Drew LOVES toys/books at make music. He's getting REALLY good at walking/almost running, and he really enjoys walking by himself some on our family walks! He gets himself stuck under the table/chairs a lot, and he's fallen a few times/bonked his head from going places he shouldn't.  This boy is a sheer delight to be around, except when he's fussy, then it's no bueno!

Big Sisters: ADORE HIM! Ahhh Brooke = Momma/sling him around/"babysit/slide with him/love on him/distract him/etc. Man she's a God send!  Taylor, looks a lot like the little guy! He's almost bigger than her!!! She's still trying to pick him up (which I don't like because she drops him a lot) and she likes to baby talk to him (even when he's not around.) Charlotte, hahaha is a brute! Chick will straight up bounce right near him on the trampoline and send him flying to then face plant. She snatches his toys and he takes it. THEN she'll giggle and snuggle with him in her bed while we get ready. These two are going to be fun together.  Welp. We're done.  12 whole months. 4 kids. To GOD BE THE GLORY! 

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