Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Growin' like a Weed: Mommy - 360 months

Height: 5' and .5"
Weight: 124 lbs

Likes: Jesus, our family, spending time outside, eating (especially sweets and chocolatey candy) and baking!  She's always doing her best to keep the house clean and keep us healthy and happy!  

Dislikes: Fussing, whining, temper tantrums, a messy house, Daddy's farts, and when things don't go how she wants/thinks they should go.  She also dislikes pizza and fried chicken, since Charlotte was born. Strange! 

Sleeping: Mommy wishes she could sleep, all day.  She says it's tough being a Mommy, we really wear her out!  She sleeps in Charlie's room, there's a bed in there for her, because the baby eats a lot.  She doesn't sleep with Daddy because he snores and it wakes her up.  Daddy listens to the monitor for the big girls, and Mommy wakes up with Charlie.  Daddy says he needs more sleep than Mommy.  Mommy doesn't agree, but she always stays up late getting things done while we're all sleeping.

Eating: Mommy always eats standing up and her food is almost always cold.  A lot of times she just grabs food and shoves it in her mouth (sometimes dropping it on Charlie) because she's always helping take care of us as we eat.  She likes to go out to eat by herself.  It's like her favorite thing to do since the baby has been born.  She leaves Daddy at home with the kids during nap time and goes to Cook Out or the Hibachi Buffet and eats.  Silly Mommy! 

Playing: Daddy is better at playing than Mommy.  Mommy plays, but usually has a baby on her so she can't be as rough, loud, or crazy as Daddy.  Mommy is also with kiddos all day so she has to "reserve her energy".  She really likes to play with toys with us and use her imagination.  Her favorite toy is her phone.  She likes taking pictures and looking on Facebook.  Mommy doesn't have any friends. She's too busy. But we are glad she's at home taking care of us, we love it! 

haha I hope you enjoyed this "humorous" spin on my monthly blog! I've done for each of the girls and thought, heck, why not do a funny little post for me.  It's just another year, just another day.  Praise God for 30 beautiful years. I fail, miserably each day, and often which I had a little more time to poop/shower/eat/take care of myself/have friends/have fun times with said friends, but this is just a season, a busy and stressful season, but a perfect season that God designed for me and is holding my hand through each and every day.  Charles, Brooke, Taylor and Charlotte, I love you and am so thankful that I get to spend each and every day with you all! 

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