Weight: 15 lbs 4 oz
Likes: Mommy, Mommy's milk, sleeping with Mommy, STANDING (while being supported), DROOLING, me tickling under his neck in his chunky rolls and he's starting to squeal/chat! He COMES ALIVE when he's naked on his changing table! haha Kicks, squeals, chatting, you name it, he's doing it! I can't believe I'm writing this, but Drew likes short car rides!!! When he's fed, changed and trapped in with his pal "Jiggy the giraffe" to play with this sweet boy is good to go! BUT don't make him ride for more than about 23.5 minutes ;) OH, wait. HE FOUND IS HANDS and by golley does he like them! Ew. The sound and saliva is um interesting.
Dislikes: LONG rides in the carseat. haha He's also not a fan of being laid down if someone isn't sitting really close and paying attention to him. May it be the floor with is hang down toys, or his seat/standing toy, he's good for a few minutes, then loses it. His biggest thing now is loud voices. Not loud noises, but yelling, talking loud, scolding his sisters. hahaha
Sleeping: He's taking about 4 naps a day in the bed/crib (PRAISE) and can still snag a nap on the fly at the library/park/etc. Still sock mittens on his hands, with a paci and white noise. I put him down around 8 and he sleeps until 12-1, nurses, and goes back to sleep for a few more hours. Wakes, nurses, and wakes and nurses, and wakes around 7-8 ready to start the day! He's nowhere near sleeping through the night but I'm okay with that.
Eating: Nursing. On demand. All day long. Everyone says he's chunkyyyyy! Eat, awake/play, sleep schedule. Also, he can't stand me talking/someone around if he's nursing, he gets SO distracted.
Playing: If I'm holding him, he plays great! His preferred position is standing and looking at me. He coos and giggles and smiles a lot now especially when you "nom" or tickle his ribs! He doesn't like to be laid down unless your right by him, but every now and then he'll do really well laying under that little PVC pipe toy I made and now GRABBING/HOLDING HIS TOYS! This guy is getting so big! Ohhh and he smiles, a lot! Sweet sweet thing loves to be talked to. He can roll from tummy to back and ALMOST from back to tummy! GO DREWBS, GO!<3 all="" and="" are="" baby="" because="" borrow="" bouncy="" div="" exersaucer.="" happy="" he="" i="" is="" long="" may="" most="" nbsp="" need="" now="" of="" our="" pointless="" s="" seats="" so="" standing="" swing="" to="" wiggly="">
Big Sisters: From the moment HE wakes they want to be with him! Oh man! Just gushing over him and laying by him in bed, putting blankets on him, fighting over who gets to hold/talk to him next. Oh my heart! haha They all have a special way to hold him too. Charlotte has him facing out with her arms and legs around him in a knot and she shushes him if he fusses. Brooke holds him facing her with his legs spread around her tummy and she does such a good job loving on him. I can also have her hold him for short periods of time if I need 2 hands for something. Tay kinda copies Brooke's hold with her own flair. haha AND Tay loves to lay near him and baby talk to him, but not look at him, she like looks off into outer space. hahahaha ohhhh bless. Sweet Lord, I love these kiddos and I can't even being to thank you for each and every one of them. I'm not worthy of these precious blessings. Strengthen me and let your joy abound in me each day as I love on their precious faces!
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