Weight: 13 lbs 10 oz
Likes: Mommy, Mommy's milk, sleeping with Mommy, STANDING (while being supported), DROOLING, me tickling under his neck in his chunky rolls and he's starting to squeal/chat! He's also very strong! He can scoot on his back with his feet and really get moving!
Dislikes: HIS CARSEAT! Still. He's also not a fan of being laid down if someone isn't sitting really close. He is not a fan of his sisters jumping/yelling/squeezing his face/pulling his legs/manipulating his arms (are you catching on to the trend?) hahaha bless those girls!
Sleeping: He's taking about 4 naps a day in the bed/crib (PRAISE) with extended sleep time if I'm holding him and moving. Unswaddled, but legs wrapped and sock mittens on his hands, with a paci and white noise. He gets crazy hot when he sleeps and truly likes to know I'm near. I put him down around 8 and he sleeps until 12-1, nurses, and goes back to sleep for a few more hours. Wakes, nurses, and wakes and nurses, and wakes around 7-8 ready to start the day! He's nowhere near sleeping through the night.
Eating: Nursing. On demand. All day long. I started eating low carb and I'm pretty sure my milk is a lot fattier now! Eat, awake/play, sleep schedule. Also, he can't stand me talking/someone around if he's nursing, he gets SO distracted.
Playing: If I'm holding him, he plays great! His preferred position is on my thighs, looking at me. He coos and giggles and smiles a lot now. He doesn't like to be laid down unless your right by him, but every now and then he'll do really well laying under that little PVC pipe toy I made and BATTING AT HIS TOYS! This guy is getting so big! Ohhh and he smiles, a lot! Sweet sweet thing loves to be talked to <3 all="" and="" are="" baby="" because="" borrow="" bouncy="" div="" exersaucer.="" happy="" he="" i="" is="" long="" may="" most="" nbsp="" need="" now="" of="" our="" pointless="" s="" seats="" so="" standing="" swing="" to="" wiggly="">
Big Sisters: I meannn they love him! Brooke changes diapers every now and then and will help unbuckle him from the carseat. She likes to talk to him and act like Drew said words (and obviously she interprets them). Tay is still the goofy flighty baby voice that oogles over him but does nothing helpful. And Charlotte loves her Andeee and asked to hold him often (though he's nearbout as big as her!) haha The girls are a mess. A mess I say. They're growing SO FAST and getting sassier and smarter by the minute. Praying that we can help them learn and grow in grace and wisdom. You know, it's not one big thing that changes their hearts, but 1,000 little things. Thankful the Lord has given this crew to me to love on <3 div="" nbsp="">
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