Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Growin' Like a Weed : Andrew - 2 months

Height: 23" 
Weight:  12 lbs

Likes: Mommy, Mommy's milk, sleeping on or near Mommy, and being held ALL THE TIME! Smiling! YES he smiled/laughed for the first time and has an adorable dimple on his right cheek! I was holding him on my shins while laying down after dinner one night and it was adorable! He also likes it when when set him down in his swing, turn on the music (not the motion of the swing, just the music and... wait for it... DANCE FOR HIM!  hahaha so cute! He also seems to like our "Taylor's birthday swing" outside and is pretty content anytime I'm holding him.

Dislikes: HIS CARSEAT! Still. It's exhausting y'all.  Come on, bud! He also doesn't like being laid down on the floor if I'm not an arms reach away.  He still isn't consistently napping in his crib, but we're working on it. And he doesn't seem to like the girls behind him/anywhere where he can't see them. I meannn that's understandable.

Sleeping: He's taking about 4 naps a day, bonus points/extended sleep time if I'm holding him and moving.  Unswaddled, but legs wrapped and sock mittens on his hands, with a paci and white noise.  He gets crazy hot when he sleeps and truly likes to know I'm near. I put him down around 8 and he sleeps until 12-1, nurses, and goes back to sleep for a few more hours. Wakes, nurses, and wakes and nurses, and wakes around 7-8 ready to start the day!

Eating: Nursing. On demand. All day long.  He gulps a lot of air because when I let down he doesn't want to miss any of the milk. Pretty much eat, awake/play, sleep schedule. I have lost a bit of weight lately since I started running again and I feel like he's a bit hungry still. Also, he can't stand me talking/someone around if he's nursing, he gets SO distracted. He's pooping/blowing out a lot less too.

Playing: If I'm holding him, he plays great! His preferred position is on my thighs, looking at me. He coos and giggles and smiles a lot now.  He doesn't like to be laid down unless your right by him, which means he doesn't get a ton of toy/tummy time, we need to work on that!  He's CRAZY strong though! Like head/neck/body/legs, wow! If we lay him on his tummy, he rolls to his back pretty often because he raises himself up so high! Go Drew!

Big Sisters: Brooke has truly stepped up. When I'm busy and he's crying, she's there. She'll sit there and talk to him, interpret his speaking for me, and even try to hold him to calm him (which never works but it's adorable)!  Taylor is great at being with him too! He really seems to smile when she's around (doesn't everyone though!) And Charlotte, haha ohhh Charlotte! She always wants to hold him, but doesn't know how to do it and he doesn't care for it, but we try. Tay calls him "Undeh" strange, haha but cute. Brooke mainly calls him Drew and Charlotte calls him Baby Drew. We are doing a letter a week and it has been a lot of fun and the normalcy is really getting real.  We're getting into a good routine/all working together and it's nice. Our big thing now is "first time obedience" that our Pastor told us that he did with our kids. SO when you ask them to do something, they look you in the eye and respond "Yes, Mommy" and then do the action. It's about a relationship, acknowledging you and respecting you, not just obedience. There's hope. These little ones are so wonderful, but as parents it's our job to raise them in the ways of the Lord. It's a delight to do so each day!