Total weight gain/loss: +24 ... yep, I guess I'm retaining fluid, I don't look bigger (in my opinion) :( AND we ate out like 4 times this week... oops!
Maternity clothes? Maternity pants most of the time, but still some regular pants with a belly band, and regular tops, though my belly is starting to show on some of my shorter tops!
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Yes, but I wake up to pee... A LOT
Best moment this week: Finishing the nursery and saying "no" to a lot of things. Trying to take it easy these last 2-4 weeks before Miss Brooke comes :)
Miss Anything? haha my clothes... nothing looks good anymore! Gosh I hope I can fit back into them.
Movement: Oh yes!
Food cravings: No, I meannnn I like pumpkin stuff, but that's just because it's fall.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Gaining 3 lbs in a week... ugh, that will brighten your day!
Have you started to show yet: Yes, I have a big ole baby belly!
Gender: A sweet girl
Labor Signs: Nope... I don't even think I've had braxton hicks. Like I said, I think she's setting up camp, I don't anticipate her coming anytime before her due date.
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but very, VERY flat!
Wedding rings on or off? I'm wearing my size 6 fake ring a lot more now.
Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy and exhausted. I wish we could get our old house rented and sell our house we flipped, but other than that, we’re patiently awaiting our little girl and ready for the many blessings she is sure to bring to our lives!
Size of Baby:Well baby center says about 6.8 pounds and she's over 19 1/2 inches long... but the doctors don't think she'll even be that big at birth going full term or past my due date! haha Looks like we've got a little bitty one on our hands... thought I'm measuring right on schedule.
Looking forward to: Becoming a parent with my favorite man in the world, Charles Grayson, and us meeting our daughter!
You are adorable! Can't wait to meet the little miss. Take care and REST!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to HOLD BABY BROOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!