How far along? 35 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +17.4lbs as of last Tuesday... we had Olive Garden Unlimited Pasta last night sooooo I'll just go ahead and guess I'm up +19lbs now :)
Maternity clothes? Ha... these are the new black maternity pants, size small Kim... really!? haha Shoulda got a medium.
Stretch marks? No sir, no ma'am... and they best stay away.
Sleep: Ehhh getting harder. I have a really tough time falling asleep now. And Charles says I breath really loudly, and when I flip sides, I wake him up... oops :)
Best moment this week: That's a toughy... I mean, it's been a good week, but nothing AMAZING has happened. We found out another family member of ours is having a little boy in February... yep, Miss Brooke is still the only girl in 27+ years on my hubby's side, with a heap of boy cousins already. Bless her lil heart!
Miss Anything? My ribs being left alone. I think I spend more of my day with my hands above my head trying to lengthen my torso to give BG some more room in there :)
Movement: Oh yes. haha I've noticed, I haven't been a good "I need to stop and relax" pregnant lady, I'm same ole go go go Kim... so I will need to purchased a moby wrap or carrier because something makes me think Brooke isn't going to like just laying still.
Food cravings: No, still nothing, but I did enjoy half a slice of Olive Garden Pumpkin Cheesecake last night :) Can we say "YUM"!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not at all...
Have you started to show yet: Growing by the minute!
Gender: My girl
Labor Signs: I have actually felt more cramping this week than I have the entire pregnancy. I think it's because she's growing and moving more.
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but very, VERY flat!
Wedding rings on or off? Mine, and on! Yes, size 4 3/4 still fits! I wish I could say the same about my size 4 and 5 shoes :( Hopefully I will be able to wear them after Brooke, if not, I'm going to have to buy new shoes! Seriously, the bridge of my foot, like my bone structure, not swelling, has expanded.
Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy and exhausted. I wish we could get our old house rented and sell our house we flipped, but other than that, we’re patiently awaiting our little girl and ready for the many blessings she is sure to bring to our lives!
Size of Baby:Well baby center says about 5 lbs and 18 inches long, I doubt she’s that big though… ha the size of a small roasting chicken... yep, feeeels about right!
Looking forward to: Meeting my sweet daughter than I can pour the love of Christ into! Becoming a parent and relying on my husband and the Lord to strengthen and encourage me daily as I do the same. We're living the dream!
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