Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Growin' Like a Weed : Drew - 6 Months

Height: 27" 
Weight:  17lbs 15oz

Likes: Mommy, Mommy's milk, sleeping with Mommy, standing ALL THE TIME (in his bouncy seat or while being held), DROOLING, spitting up, me kissing his under his neck and sitting up!  He really likes pulling hair/jewelry/anything within his grasp... AND HE'S QUICK! That bugger will grab a handful of hair in a heartbeat! Drew has been VERY needy lately... teething? He likes to be held, by me, while standing. Shew buddy, I love you, but please relax!

Dislikes:  If I'm out of sight or not holding him. He also doesn't like when his sisters get in his face/hug him too long. Quick hugs y'all. Don't smother the kid! 

Sleeping: He's taking 2 naps a day on our beloved 2-3-4 schedule (wake, nap 2 hours after he wakes, awake 3 hours, next nap, then awake 4 hours until bedtime). Some days it's a short morning nap, then an AMAZING 2-2.5 hour afternoon nap. I truly put him down awake. Like he doesn't even want to snuggle (sometimes nurse) but mainly just paci, white noise, lay in bed, roll on tummy, get a blanket and doze off! Praise the Lord for that! He's sleeping a BIT better at night, AND gave me an 8 hour stretch, ONE DAY! haha

Eating: Nursing. On demand. All day long AND we are adding in some foods!!! Poor guy! I waited until exactly 6 months to feed you, your sisters got grub earlier! Meh, you're good! Enjoy the world of food bud!

Playing: If I'm holding him, he plays great! Sitting up batting at toys, standing and bouncing on my leg, laying on his tummy on my shins and moving up and down always gets out a good giggle/drool! haha He can't/won't/doesn't really pick up toys yet and play with them. He'll lay there and tinker/handle something, but he surprisingly puts NOTHING in his mouth (praise God) but it's not like he's even thinking to do that. Strange? I'll have to look back at the girls development.

Big Sisters: Love him to pieces! Gracious Brooke has been an AMAZING helper! She can get him out of his crib/hold him/making him happy/laugh if I'm busy, and she does it with a joyful heart! She will occasionally leave him some place not so safe (because he can finally roll/get up on all fours) so I'm always monitoring and making sure she knows where it's okay to place him.  Taylor likes to talk to him still and check on him if she's in the backroom close to him. She'll sit there and hold him, and she's really good at keeping him still and calm if we're saying prayers/snuggling at bedtime. Charlotte is getting into talking to him/it's okay Doobers/shhing him in the van when he's upset. Haha she doesn't hold him much anymore because he's wiggly and big! Y'all. WE. HAVE. FOUR. KIDS... how did that happen?! The days are long, but the years are short. Equip me each day, Lord <3 nbsp="" p="">

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