Total weight gain/loss: hanging at 16 lbs (I lost 6 oz!) Trying my best to stay active with zumba/walks at lunch and in the evenings around the new neighborhood!
Maternity clothes? Nope, I still live in my clothes with a faux belly band and cute empire waist dresses and tops, maternity clothes make me look fat :)
Stretch marks? Not that I've seen so far! PRAISE THE LORD! STAY AWAY!
Sleep: So good! The body pillow and the dark curtains have made a huge difference!
Best moment this week: God is so good! A great check up, a good week at work, enjoying our new home, an amazing first baby shower given by sweet friends from church... we are SO BLESSED!
Miss Anything? Not really, this week I've been pretty content :)
Movement: Oh-my-gracious YES... sometime she's in the ROA postion (look it up) and holy cow do I feel, and look lopsided, squish her back in (but Charles doesn't like me doing that)
Food cravings: Not-a-one... we almost stopped at Krispy Kreme after our appointment today, but we were good and resisted the HOT sign! I may need a Pumpkin Spice Latte soon though :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not at all
Have you started to show yet:Yes, indeed
Gender: Sugar and spice and everything nice!
Labor Signs: No and they better stay away until 38 weeks or so
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but getting much flatter
Wedding rings on or off? On, but getting tighter!
Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy! Wow, I'm living the dream! I have the best husband EVER and he truly is my best friend and support! Thank you Lord for the amazing man I get to spend the rest of my life with and raise a family with!!!
Size of Baby:Well baby center says about 3.75 lbs, but the midwife guessed about 3 lbs... go figure, a petite lil thing! She better get some height genes from her dad :)
Looking forward to: An awesome weekend! Brunch with my parents, Greek Festival, first NCSU home football game (yep, Brooke's first time at Carter Finley) haha, and the Barrett baby shower (on Sunday)!!!
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