Total weight gain/loss: +12 lbs ...I don't weight myself at home, I just wait for the nurses to tell me the bad news :)
Maternity clothes? Some, mainly wearing my stretchier clothes still, and I'm too cheap to buy maternity clothes!
Stretch marks? Not that I've seen so far! PRAISE THE LORD! STAY AWAY!
Sleep: I like it... I love it... I want some more of it!
Best moment this week: Having my sweet hubby introduce me and Brooke to people we met at a wedding this week "Hey (insert name here)! I know you've met my lovely wife, Kim, but have you met Miss Brooke? (pointing/rubbing to my belly) What a precious proud daddy!
Miss Anything? My waist... haha not that I had a super slim one before, it's just really tough to navigate in small spaces, i.e. Charleston, SC parking decks... It was pretty difficult to get out of the car when you were jam jelly roll packed next to the one beside you!
Movement: Ohhhhh yes! Wiggle worm!
Food cravings: No, I hate food, it makes me fat :( haha I keep reminding myself... once you start nursing it SHOULD come off!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not at all, praise God!
Have you started to show yet: Yes,I've got a pretty nice lil baby bump now!
Gender: My little girl
Labor Signs: No and they better stay away for a while
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but getting flatter
Wedding rings on or off? On, but getting tighter!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Stressed ... work (not knowing maternity leave yet), flipping a house, moving, renting out our current house, hubby in his last semester of grad school, and having a child ... I meannnnnnnn. God is good and I will choose to surrender all of my anxiety to him!
Looking forward to: Packing and moving over Labor Day weekend!!!Oh yes and NC State Football Season!!! Baby showers and meeting lil Miss Brooke Grayson!
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