Yep, I was tagged! Thanks to the ever-so-lovely, new momma, Amy over at
Fit New Mama I've been selected to do a little Q&A to tell ya'll a little bit about me ... haha as you know so far, i'm an open book! It's going to be tough to tell you things you don't already know!
the rules:
1. you must post the rules
2. post eleven facts about yourself on the blog post
3. answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post,
and then create eleven new questions to as the people you’ve tagged
4. tag eleven people and link them on your post
5. let them know you’ve tagged them
Eleven Facts About Me
1. I'm married to the most amazing man in the world! He is an amazing reflection of Christ and he is seriously my favorite person in the world!
Can't believe this was a little over 3 years ago! |
2. I am licensed to carry a concealed weapon in the state of North Carolina! Yep, I'm normally packin' ... haha
Get it, girl :)
3. I LOVE CHEESEBURGERS! Oh my gosh... really I think a good burger and fries are my favorite meal! I use to work at Red Robin and their Banzai Burger is fantastic!
Yep, this is a genuine I AM SO EXCITED I'M ABOUT TO EAT A BURGER AND FRIES kinda face!
4. People tell me ALL THE TIME that I look like Natalie Portman, true story.
yeah, she's gorgeous...and i'm... well... cute :)
5. I have never owned a dog. My mom taught me that dogs were smelly and that licking you was disgusting growing up so I've never owned a dog. Maybe one day ... But I do love holding puppies :)
So sweet!
6. I LOVE dancing! Shagging, Zumba, Line Dancing ... oh my, so fun! Anytime there's music and a crowd, i'm probably there :) |
7. I LOVE serving in kids ministry! I currently lead K-5 praise and worship at Temple Baptist and MAN do we have fun praisng God! I've also been to Mexico, St. Lucia and Ukraine with mission trips where we lead camps and vacation Bible School and to Lumberton, NC, New York and Chicago to do Urban Ministry! It's sooooooo amazing to see God working through these precious little lives!
Nogales, Mexico |
Chicago, IL |
8. I'm half Greek (my dad's side) so I have the ability to get a really, really dark tan in the summer :)

And I can fit into a high chair!
9. My dream job is to be a Stay at home Mom! haha yes, Lord willing we have a child sometime in my lifetime ... I would love to be at home and raise our kids and then, once their school age be a high school Home Economics teacher.
Our sweet friends baby girl! I never pass up the opportunity to hold a little one :)
10. I have never dyed my hair, nor do I ever plan to unless I start getting gray hair before 30(ish). I think it's because i'm too cheap to maintain it... yeah i'm ridiculously frugal!
And it has been realllly long a few times in my life! I also donated it to locks for love :)
11. I am a work in progress! My life has not been perfect but I am so thankful for my faith in the Lord and how he continually strengthens and refines me. Life is full of adventures and I am beyond blessed to be here on Earth living this beautiful life the Lord has given me!

1. What is your favorite saying? Bless your heart! haha yes, I'm a true Southern girl... Growing up I was "Kimmy Sue" (Kimberly Suzanne)
2. What are you listening to right now? Sadly, nothing... I just listen to whatever is on the radio! I haven't used my ipod in months! 3. If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go? Probably a cruise to the carribean islands, I've never been on a cruise and I would love to go back to St. Lucia. 4. What is your favorite book? I don't read ... really, I don't find enjoyment in it and I know that's terrible! But the book I read most often would be the Bible, it's just overflowing with amazingness and God's words are timeless and the truth! 5. What is your favorite kind of workout? I LOVE ZUMBA! Or any kinda of dance aerobics :) 6. Where would you like to be in 5 years? A stay at home mom with one baby and another on the way ... 7. What is your favorite food? CHEESEBURGER AND FRIES ... as referenced above 8. What are you wishing for in 2012? A viable pregnancy and a healthy baby 9. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? hahaha I wanted to be a talk show host, I really wanted to be Regis' co host for a long time ... oh well! 10. What job would you do for free? Teach dance aerobics (zumba or hip hop) to adults and kids 11. If you won the lottery tomorrow, what is the first thing you would do with it? hahahaha no joke, hand it over to my finacial advisor... my husband and let him deal with it! I am TERRIBLY NAIVE about money. I'm more or less scared of it because we didn't have much growing up. But i'd definitely go on an amazing all expenses paid vacation somewhere tropical :)
My Questions for you Gals to Answer 1. What is your favorite game to play? 2. What is something you do in your spare time just for yourself? 3. What is the most important trait to have in a marriage or relationship? 4. Where is your favorite vacation spot? 5. What is your favorite meal? 6. What is your favorite Bible verse? 7. If you could visit one state/city in the USA what would it be? 8. What is the best surprise you ever received? 9. What is your favorite weekend activity? 10. What are you afraid of? 11. What do you hope 2012 has in store? My Tags
Just found your blog through Ashley....The Christian Wife Life. I remember Charles from Camp Lurecrest several years back! Small world!
ReplyDeleteSo fun! And I went to school at NCSU with your daughter in law... the twins are precious! What a miracle!